Link Checker

The Link Checker crawls your website and checks all links and images to detect the ones that are broken. The results are presented in a clearly arranged view.

In contrast to search engine tools like the Google Search Console, which only shows if an URL on your website is not reachable, it does not matter for the Link Checker if a link leads to an internal or external URL. The Link Checker will find all dead links.

A well maintained website without broken links or images gives your visitors a better experience. This could lead to more engagement and a longer stay on your website. Also search engines know this and will therefore honor your effort and may bring more visitors to your website.

Technical Features

  • Respects your robots.txt file (also the crawl-delay directive).
    • You could use the user-agent MB-LinkChecker to control the crawler.

Limitations of the free Basic Version

The basic version of the Link Checker is free to use and checks up to 500 URLs. If your website has more URLs, you could purchase the Pro version, which allows to check up to 500'000 URLs and comes with advantages listed below.

Advantages of the Pro Version

Check up to 500'000 URLs

The free version of the Link Checker allows you to check up to 500 links on your website. With the professional version it is possible to check up to 500'000 URLs.

Check Broken Images

The Link Checker Professional additionally checks if you have broken internal or external images on your website.

Check YouTube Videos

The Link Checker Professional will also check all YouTube videos you have embedded in your website.

Automatic Daily Checks

The Link Checker Professional comes with a scheduler which automatically triggers a link check once a day and sends you a summary report by email when a check has finished.

Form Login Support

You can setup the Link Checker Professional to login into your site and check protected areas of your site, for example a membership area.